CUVM now offers Due Diligence Distribution!

Third-Party Due Diligence | Supplier Due Diligence

Let us tackle your third-party/supplier due diligence distribution tasks. We’ll not only collect and store your third-party information but also securely distribute your due diligence packets to your third-party/supplier audiences. You'll save time, allowing your third-party vendors to vet your information for financial, legal, reputational, and regulatory risks while also meeting your compliance requirements. We'll even provide updates as the information comes up for renewal.

Sample items to be distributed to third parties:

  • Financial Information: We will securely distribute your financial information to third parties, including audited financial statements, tax returns, and credit reports. This information can help third parties assess your financial stability and creditworthiness.
  • License: We will distribute copies of your business licenses and permits to third parties. This information can help third parties verify that your business is operating legally and in compliance with all applicable regulations.
  • Liability Insurance: We will distribute copies of your commercial, professional, or general policies to third parties. This information can help third parties understand your coverage levels and assess their risk exposure.
  • Privacy Policy: We will distribute a copy of your privacy policy to third parties. This information can help third parties understand how you collect, use, and protect personal data.
  • Business Model: We will provide third parties with a description of your business model, including your products or services, target market, and competitive landscape. This information can help third parties understand your business and assess its potential.
  • Business Continuity Plan: We will distribute a copy of your business continuity plan to third parties. This information can help third parties understand how you plan to respond to disruptive events, such as natural disasters or cyberattacks.
  • Disaster Recover Plan or Incident Response Plan: We will distribute a copy of your disaster recovery plan to third parties. This information can help third parties understand how you plan to recover from disruptive events.
  • SOC Reports or Information Security Policy: We will distribute copies of your SOC reports to third parties. SOC reports are issued by independent auditors and assure that your organization's controls and processes meet certain security, availability, and confidentiality standards.
  • W9: We will distribute a copy of your W9 form to third parties. This form is used to verify your taxpayer identification number.
Safe and secure!

Save time by streamlining your due diligence distribution today! Call 866.949.6220 or email to get started.

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